Command Line Usage

Convert a single file

dp.exe /InFile source-file-name /OutFile destination-pdf-file-name

/InFile          Input file name, e.g. D:\DWGs\Building.dwg
/OutFile        Output file name, e.g. D:\PDFs\Building.pdf

Example: Convert sample.dwg to sample.pdf
dp.exe /InFile D:\sample.dwg /OutFile E:\sample.pdf

Convert a folder

dp.exe /InFolder source-folder /OutFolder destination-folder /ConvertType conversion-type [/IncSubFolder]

/InFolder          Input folder name, e.g. D:\DWGs
/OutFolder        Output folder name, e.g. E:\PDFs
/OutToOneFile   All drawings combined into one PDF file, e.g. E:\PDFs\All2PDF.pdf
/IncSubFolder   Include subdirectories.
/ConvertType   Conversion type, available values:
                       DWG2PDF        Convert DWG to PDF
                       DXF2PDF         Convert DXF to PDF
                       DWF2PDF         Convert DWF to PDF
                       ALL2PDF          Convert DWG, DXF and DWF to PDF

Example 1: Convert all DWG files to PDF files
dp.exe /InFolder D:\DWGs /OutFolder F:\PDFs /ConvertType DWG2PDF /IncSubFolder

Example 2: Convert all DWG, DXF and DWF files to PDF files
dp.exe /InFolder D:\DWGs /OutFolder F:\PDFs /ConvertType ALL2PDF /IncSubFolder

Optional Parameters

Note: the following parameters are not required. If the parameter is not specified, then it will default to the GUI setting.

/Hide Hide the result window and the message dialog
/PDFWidth PDF width in millimeters, e.g. /PDFWidth 210
/PDFHeight PDF height in millimeters, e.g. /PDFHeight 297
/DisableAutoSize Disable the "Automatically adjust the page size based on the drawing" option
/PDFMargin Margin in millimeters, e.g. /PDFMargin 5
/PDFColor Output color, available values: TrueColors, GrayScale, BlackWhite.

TrueColors: True Colors
GrayScale: Gray-scale 
BlackWhite: Black/White

For example: /PDFColor TrueColors

/PDFQuality PDF quality, available values: Normal, Medium, High, Highest. e.g. /PDFQuality Highest
/OutMode Output mode option, available values: ByLayout, ByDrawing, AlltoOne.

ByLayout: One PDF per layout
ByDrawing: One PDF per drawing
AlltoOne: All drawings combined into on PDF file

For example: /OutMode ByLayout

/Overwrite Overwrite existing PDF file
/OutLayout Output layout, available values: All, Model, Paper, Active, ByName:layoutname.

All: All layouts
Model: Model space
Paper: All paper spaces
Active: Last active layout
ByName: Ouput by layout name

For example:

/OutLayout Paper
/OutLayout ByName:Layout1

/OutArea Output area, available values: ZoomExtents, LastSavedView.

ZoomExtents: Zoom extents
LastSavedView: Last saved view of drawing

For example: /OutArea ZoomExtents

/LineWidth Line width, available values: Default, CADDefault, ByColor.

Default: Default width
CADDefault: Use the CAD default line weight
ByColor: Customer by color

For example: /LineWidth CADDefault

/LineScale Set the line width scale, e.g. /LineScale 4
/PDFAuthor Set the PDF author, e.g. /PDFAuthor author name
/PDFTitle Set the PDF title, e.g. /PDFTitle title
/PDFSubject Set the PDF subject, e.g. /PDFSubject subject
/PDFKeyword Set the PDF keywords, e.g. /PDFKeyword keywords1, keywords2
/DisablePDFBookmark Disable the "Create PDF bookmark" option
/DisableFillTTF Disable the "Fill TTF font in the drawing" option
/DisableOutImage Disable the "Export Image/Excel file in the drawing" option
/Recover If the program freezes on certain files, please use this parameter. It will recover the drawing if the drawing is damaged.
To improve the performance, please don't use this parameter.
/Options Open the Options dialog

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dp.exe /?

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dp.exe /reg your-registration-code



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