Command Line Usage

Convert a single file

ds.exe /InFile source-file-name /OutFile destination-svg-file-name

/InFile          Input file name, e.g. D:\DWGs\Building.dwg
/OutFile        Output file name, e.g. D:\SVGs\Building.svg

Example: Convert sample.dwg to sample.svg
ds.exe /InFile D:\sample.dwg /OutFile E:\sample.svg

Convert a folder

ds.exe /InFolder source-folder /OutFolder destination-folder /ConvertType conversion-type [/IncSubFolder]

/InFolder          Input folder name, e.g. D:\DWGs
/OutFolder        Output folder name, e.g. E:\SVGs
/IncSubFolder   Include subdirectories.
/ConvertType   Conversion type, available values:
                       DWG2SVG        Convert DWG to SVG
                       DXF2SVG         Convert DXF to SVG
                       DWF2SVG         Convert DWF to SVG
                       ALL2SVG          Convert DWG, DXF and DWF to SVG

Example 1: Convert all DWG files to SVG files
ds.exe /InFolder D:\DWGs /OutFolder F:\SVGs /ConvertType DWG2SVG /IncSubFolder

Example 2: Convert all DWG, DXF and DWF files to SVG files
ds.exe /InFolder D:\DWGs /OutFolder F:\SVGs /ConvertType ALL2SVG /IncSubFolder

Optional Parameters

Note: the following parameters are not required. If the parameter is not specified, then it will default to the GUI setting.

/Hide Hide the result window and the message dialog
/SVGWidth SVG width in pixels, e.g. /SVGWidth 1024
/SVGHeight SVG height in pixels, e.g. /SVGWidth 768
/BGColor Background color of the SVG.

For example: /BgColor 255,255,255

/Overwrite Overwrite existing SVG file
/OutLayout Output layout, available values: All, Model, Paper, Active, ByName:layoutname.

All: All layouts
Model: Model space
Paper: All paper spaces
Active: Last active layout
ByName: Ouput by layout name

For example:

/OutLayout Paper
/OutLayout ByName:Layout1

/OutArea Output area, available values: ZoomExtents, LastSavedView.

ZoomExtents: Zoom extents
LastSavedView: Last saved view of drawing

For example: /OutArea ZoomExtents

/LineScale Set the line width scale, e.g. /LineScale 1.0
/SHXScale Set the line width scale of SHX, e.g. /SHXScale 5.0
/ExplodeSHX Explode SHX in the drawing to vector entities
/UseHLR Use Hidden Line Removing for the viewports
/UseBGF Use blended gradients for complex gradient fill
/Options Open the Options dialog

Get Help

ds.exe /?



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