Set Options
  • Output Options Tab
    • SVG Size and Background Color:
      Allows you to set the size of the SVG and the background color of the SVG.
    • Line Weight Scale:
      Set the line width of the SVG file.
    • Line Weight Scale of SHX:
      Set the line width scale of the SHX in the SVG file.
    • Overwrite Existing SVG File:
      Allows you to choose between "Replace original" and "Rename (automatically increment the filename)".

  • Output Layout and Area Tab
    • All Layouts
      Output all layouts.
    • Model Space
      Output the model space.
    • All Paper Spaces
      Output all paper spaces.
    • Last Active Layout
      Output the last active layout.
    • Output by Layout Name
      Output the specifically layout.
    • Output Area: Zoom Extents or Last saved view of the drawing.

  • SHX and XRef Directories Tab
    If the program fails to find the Xref, images, Excel or other file in the drawing, please add the related directories to the directory list.

  • Miscellaneous Tab
    Settings for explode SHX to vector entities or add SHX fonts to the SVG, use Hidden Line Removing feature, and use blended gradients for complex gradient fill.



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